
Contact us at dillydallydude@gmail.com if you have any queries!

CAR BOOT SALES 10am - 6pm (21st June 08 - 22nd June 08)


DillyDallyDude will be having his FIRST Bazaar SALE at Playground. It is gonna be a Car Boot Sale Theme. Do visit us if you are free! Mention this post and you'll get 5% off on the days for any purchase! Below are the information :)
Date: 21st & 22nd June 08 (Sat & Sun)
Time: 10 am to 6 pm
Venue: Playground @ BigSplash (Near East Coast Park)
DillyCar: Honda Civic

Hope to see you there! :D

Our ABR (After-Bazaar-Review)

DillyDallyDude's first bazaar sales at Playground (ECP) has finally ended! The sales was not that fantastic; very few bazaar-er opt to sell 1stHand goods, so by comparison, our goods are considered high-end. Haha... Nevertherless, despite that there was no canvas/shelter and the sun was SCORCHING, BURNING, etc, plus it rained half-a-day on the 2nd day (weather was rather extreme, u realised), it was a great experience! To sum it up, it was a sweaty, thirsty, sunny, well-organized, car-filled and definitely hunks (like us, err ok KIDDING)-and-babes-filled bazzar! Now, picture=essay time:

Oops, the "blogspot.com" got blocked by the "White Faces (DS009)" shirt. The person on the extreme right is our neighbour at the bazaar. :)

Does looking at all the "baked" humans and umbrellas here and there gives you a rough idea of the weather? The sky was nice though. :D

Day 1

Day 2

Decided to change fengshui and see if more business would come in!

Our small accessories corner. As you can see, though it was a car boots sales, we did not give any discount apart from what's stated on our website, so as to be fair to previous customers! :)

That's about all for those two days! A pity that we forgot to take photos the 'stall' of our neighbour who has an online blog too! So, if you happen to see this, can contact us!

Also, would like to thank those who came down and support us on that day! Err, actually not that many people.. HAHA (d*mn sad) but still, THANK YOU! :D :D

DillyDallyDude's Shopping Guide

1) Note down the item code(s) of the item(s)
that you desire...

2) Contact us at
with the following details:
- Your Name
- IC number
(For future reference- see
- Contact Number
- Item Code(s) and Quantity
- Preferred Meet-up Location (Or delivery)
- Preferred Payment Mode (Bank

3) You will be informed of your purchase
within 3 days, together with payment details.

*Note: For hygiene purposes, goods sold are
non-refundable and cannot be
exchanged. (We have provided a
measurement guide below to see if our
products suit you)

Receiving Your DillyDally Goods

1) Meet-up between Woodlands to City Hall--North South (Red) Line MRT Station - Singapore (Free-of-charge)
2) Parcel to your doorsteps- Singapore (S$4 Delivery Charge Applies)